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 Look out! Cos Matilda here we come! Book now for our Show Skills Term


Monday 18th September - Monday 4th December

11 week term £142.00


Thursday 21st September - Thursday 7th December

11 week term £142.00

Half term : 23.10 - 30.10.23


After School Drama classes are open to all, you do not need to be a student at Malorees to attend.

*Please note: Classes that start at 3:45pm

If your child is a student at Malorees, they will be collected from their class.

If your child is coming from outside the school, please wait at the gate to be collected.

Contact us with any questions.


What happens in the Club?

Every school is unique and our syllabus is tailored to fit the individual needs of each venue. Below is a general outline of our classes.


Autumn Term

In the first term of the academic year we focus on using drama to develop social skills such as good listening, confident voices and empathy. The classes are a fun mixture of drama games, songs, movement and improvisation.


Spring Term

In the Spring Term we build on this to work towards a performance – learning songs, poems and dialogue improves students’ literacy skills and builds academic confidence. The experience of performing together creates a very powerful sense of achievement.


Summer Term

In the Summer Term our pupils follow the LAMDA performance poetry syllabus, with an optional exam at the end of term. Our brilliant results speak for themselves, last year 84% were awarded distinctions and 16% received Merits. With learning poems at the heart of the new curriculum for Key Stages 1 and 2 this is a fun way of getting children excited by language (and can earn your children UCAS points)

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